Teléfonos de Contacto
Insurance, Financial Services

Servicios Realizados

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GNP Seguros is the Mexican insurance company with the greatest experience and solidity in the country, which not only provides financial protection to its policyholders, but also takes care of their dreams, stories, emotions and experiences.
Bambú Mobile becomes the strategic ally of GNP Seguros for the construction and definition of the digital channel (web and mobile) for the design, development and implementation of the GMM tracking platforms for the “I am a Client” portal, the “Claim of the Agents portal”. With this you can see: reimbursements, agent policy management and claims management
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+ 120 years of experience in the sector
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+ 4,000,000 insured.
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+ 10,000 collaborators

Challenges of the organization

The organization sought to strengthen its market leadership and improve customer satisfaction through digital services.
The company had to standardize processes, guaranteeing continuity, control and growth of the business
I added a digital modality through the web and mobile system and the procedures for: Refunds, agent policy management and claims management were redesigned.
Innovate the employee experience through the digital system

How did Bambú resolve it?

Business impact

Request and track GMM Refunds
Monitoring of car accidents
Agents App
App and Web Commercial Manager

El ABC de la Inteligencia Artificial

El área de RRHH recibió tu solicitud y te contactará en breve. Gracias por tu interés.

Un experto recibió tu mensaje y te contactará en breve. Gracias por tu confianza.