

Servicios Realizados

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Public and governmental security institution, with the mission of reconciling citizens with the government of Morelia, with the objective administration of justice.
Bambú Mobile becomes the strategic ally of the Morelia Municipal Police with the design and development of a Web platform for the management of police processes.
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22,215 humanitarian tasks
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18,732 Attention to administrative offenses
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1,165 criminal arrests
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156,038 legal consultancies

Challenges of the organization

The Municipal Police of Morelia looked for a way to improve its internal management, for which it needed a technological ally to help it generate a tool for data analysis and distribution of operations of the municipal police itself, such as:
Management of police officers, weapons, human resources, cameras and detainees.
Development of information cards.
CAD module control.
Management of IPH.
Manage and maintain government content efficiently, ensuring it is consistently updated.

How did Bambú resolve it?

Integration of a chatbot for use by police officers.
Determination of the architecture, scalability, maintainability, robustness and security of the application.
Management of cutting-edge dynamic technologies.
Development of a comprehensive high security platform for the control and management of police resources and activities.

Business impact

KPIS visualization of police work
Access to a tool that centralizes and manages the internal organization completely digitally.
Reception and response to +43K reports through a Chatbot

El área de RRHH recibió tu solicitud y te contactará en breve. Gracias por tu interés.

Un experto recibió tu mensaje y te contactará en breve. Gracias por tu confianza.