Automotive, Logistics and Manufacturing, Mobility and Transportation

Servicios Realizados

Array, Array, Array, Array
National Transport and Parcel Services Company evolves its traditional business into a technology-based business model
Bambú Mobile becomes the strategic ally of Grupo Castores, for the construction of a digital channel that allows it to massify the volume of clients and be able to market and monitor the services that the organization provides them.
40 years of experience in the sector
Vehicle fleet of more than 2500 units
2,100 destinations (coverage in the national territory)
14 distribution centers

Challenges of the organization

The organization sought to strengthen its market leadership and improve customer satisfaction through digital services.
The company sought to create a digital medium through which it could attract and retain customers, improving the satisfaction of the services they currently provide, such as: pricing, tracking, acquisition of guides, consulting and acquiring credits, among others.
Create an agile, simple, intuitive experience for contracting services and after-sales
Lack of interfaces that would allow the connection and linking of information to its core system
Resistance to changes in managerial organizational culture (mindset) to build a business unit that operates digitally

How did Bambú resolve it?

Grupo Castores becomes Bambú’s strategic ally for the creation of the web platform for consultation, acquisition and monitoring of services with its clients.
Use of agile methodologies to build the eCommerce platform.
Placement of a dedicated team in client offices for the development of the interfaces required for the project.
An architecture that is scalable over time was proposed, allowing technological development to grow as the business requires it.

Business impact

Exponential acquisition of new clients
Non-limiting and flexible technological growth opportunity as the business requires it
Increase in sales
Digital positioning of the brand
Hired services

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